Course timing


Even if you have done nothing for the project during some week, it is still a good idea to make some sort of weekly report, so that there is a weekly submission for the project. You may even get points. No activity in a repository is automatically graded as a 0.

No repository acitivy for 3 consecutive weeks is usually interpreted as a student having dropped the course.

Week 1:

  • Submission 1:
    • You have a topic, programming language and sense of project scope.
      • You should consult with the course assistant if anything is unclear. If you are using Java and have selected a clearly valid topic you can move on to creating the project specification. If you have a topic you are uncertain about or if you are considering not using Java you should definitely discuss with the course assistant.
    • Familiarize yourself with the course material. Especially the documentation instructions.
    • Documentation: Project specification done.
    • IMPORTANT! Remember to include your degree programme and the project language in the Project specification!
    • Week 1 report: First weekly report is done (see submissions)
    • Make sure that you have linked your weekly report and project specification to the repository front page to ease grading. If you need help with Markdown you can check this guide, ask for help from the course assistant or just look at the source code for this file!
    • Project: Project has been created. Check here for instructions if needed. GitHub version control is set up. Everything that needs to be submitted has been added to version control, nothing is submitted by email or pigeon!
    • Enable adding issues to your repository for code reviews. enabling issues
    • Register to Labtool:
    • Quick guide for Labtool.
    • If you are not confident in your ability to write tests and setup projects, you should familiarize yourself with the testing and rmq repository.

Week 2:

  • Submission 2:
    • Documentation: Written code is clear and commented (e.g. Java program contains Javadoc comments).
    • Week 2 report: see submissions
    • Program: Work on implementing the core functionality has been started possibly using library implementations of algorithms and data structures. These will later be replaced with self-made implementations, but in many cases it’s easier to use library implementations first.
    • Testing: Comprehensive unit testing of the code. (e.g. JUnit tests for Java)
      • Ensure that when creating new classes you also create tests as soon as possible (preferably in the same submission as the class was created) to make sure that your new implementations work as expected. See supplementary material on testing if needed.
    • Preferably some tool for test coverage should be configured by now.
      • For java there are some instructions here for PIT and jacoco. Codecov is also an option.
      • For other languages a code coverage should be provided each week for example through Codecov or github pages.
    • Checkstyle or a similar code quality reporting tool would also be beneficial. You may want to consult with an instructor if you are not coding in java.

Week 3:

  • Submission 3:
    • Documentation: Written code is clear and commented.
    • Week 3 report.
    • Program: Work on implementing core functionality has continued. Possibly started implementing data structures.
    • Testing: Comprehensive unit testing of the code.
    • By this submission at the latest, test coverage should be available to the teaching staff weekly.
    • Checktyle or a similar code quality tool should also be in use by this time.

Week 4:

  • The first round of code reviews will be given out after the week 4 deadline. Check Labtool for a link to the repository to review. The deadline for the first code review is the same as the week 5 deadline.
  • See instructions for code reviews here
  • Remember to enable issues for your repositories. See enabling issues

  • Submission 4:
    • Documentation: Written code is clear and commented. Started on testing and implementation documentation.
    • Week 4 report.
    • Program: Core functionality completed. Working on implementing data structures.
    • Testing: Comprehensive unit testing of the code. Started working on performance evaluation or similar applicable testing (write about these in the testing documentation).

Week 5:

  • The second round of code reviews will be given out after the week 5 deadline. Check Labtool for a link to the repository to review. The deadline for the second code review is the same as the week 6 deadline.

  • Submission 5:

    • The first code review is completed. (See Labtool for link to repository)
    • Documentations: Written code is clear and commented. Started on testing and implementation documentation.
    • Week 5 report.
    • Program: Core functionality of program is complete. Working on implementing data structures and algorithms.
    • Testing: Comprehensive unit testing of the code. Started working on performance evaluation or similar applicable testing.

Week 6:

  • Submission 6:
    • The second code review is completed. (See Labtool for link to repository)
    • Documentation: Written code is clear and commented. Mostly done with testing and implementation documentation.
    • Week 6 report.
    • Program: Data structures and algorithms implemented from scratch.
    • Testing: Comprehensive unit testing of the code. Work done on performance evaluation or similar applicable testing.

Demo session:

  • Present using your own computer. If you can't use your own computer, arrange an alternative with a friend or a course assistans.
  • A short approximately 5 minute presentation of your project and possibly some questions and answers.


  • Documentation:
    • 100% clear and commented code
    • Done documentation:
      • Project definition (No need to update unless specifically requested)
      • Testing document
      • Implementation document
      • Weekly reports
      • User guide
  • Program:
    • Preferable and executable program in github releases (e.g. a JAR-file for Java)
    • All data structures and algorithms are created from scratch
    • Project is done and polished
  • Testing:
    • Comprehensive unit testing of the code.
    • Testing that has been done has also been documented in the testing documentation.
    • A graphical depiction of performance based on empirical testing.